Saturday, October 5, 2019



Many theories have been propounded how to maximize the advantages from human resource as people are the best resource for any organization can have. People are mostly recognized as unpredictable, thus must be carefully studied and manage properly in order to get the benefit of their skills and capabilities. This is the common principle of Human resource management. Armstrong (2007) describes HRM as a unique approach to employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic deployment of a highly committed and capable workforce using an integrated collection of cultural, structural and personal techniques. This definition is put in to practice by the organizations all over the world as they experienced different cultures and managing their workforce in a manner which will impact performance and keep people satisfied and fulfilled.


1.Political issues – Investment in overseas by any form will be identified as a foreign company by the local people and the host country’s government because of that its human resource policies will carefully and strictly monitored when compared to the local firms. Anything related to livelihood of people will be a political sensitive issue. This is the reason human resource policies critically examined in the foreign context.

2. Employee – Employer issues – Industrial relations plays important and effective role for maintaining beneficial industrial relations as forming labor unions, structure of industrial relations varies from country to country.

3.Issues of work culture – intercultural adaptations are essential as the culture differences. Matching of work culture between the local people or workers with firm’s working style.

International human resource management can be defined as a method of obtaining, assigning and effectively use of human resource in macro firms. In macro firms HR managers must incorporate HR policies and practices to achieve overall objectives and to attain some global conflict in global intentions. Simultaneously human resource management should be flexible or elastic to permit major variation in the different kinds of efficient policies and practices (Kidger,1991).

The main reason for the growth of the internationalization with regard to employment is the cultural differences in terms of national values and approaches. Therefore, the knowledge of the above mentioned differences plays a significant role in international Human resource managers as they are responsible for all strategies, operations, practices, principles, functions, activities, factors and methods relating to managing people. Thus a lot of care must be taken to adopt, improve, and standardize culturally suitable human resource plan, policy and performance. (Sparrow, P.R.2006)


Human resource management in the context of a global company by S.A.Selorm Adonoo
Importance of HRM in global context

HRM in an international context


  1. Interesting article , nicely explained it's very clear and easy to get the idea. nice work

  2. Good article to understand the issues facing By HRM in global context. Good luck..

  3. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  4. Interesting article and nicely explained the issues facing in global HRM. Mainly HRM Issues in global context include global competition for products and services, global talent management, risk and privacy, understanding global diversity and cultural issues, flexible reward systems, leadership challenges, and managing international assignments. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Interesting article , nicely explained.

  6. Due to globalization companies are operating beyond their boarders so they need to handle different culture and legal barriers. The international HRM provide solutions to over these globalization issues. Thanks for sharing.
