Thursday, October 3, 2019



Employee engagement is the scope which employees motivated, committed and passionate about their jobs and put discretionary effort in to their work. It is an individual purpose and focused energy, evident to others, in the display of personal initiative adaptability, effort and persistence directed towards organizational goals. (Macey at al,2009).

Joo and Mclean (2006) stated that engaged employees are strong organizational assets for sustained competitive advantage and a strategic asset. While Richman (2006) mention that recent studies make it clear that high employee engagement translates in to increased discretionary effort, higher productivity and lower turnover at the employee level as well as increased customer satisfaction and loyalty profitability and shareholder value for the organization.


1.Engagement with the organization – this measures how the employees engaged with the organization, how they feel about the senior management, this factor has done with confidence in organizational management with trust, respect and values, and how people like to be treated.
2.Engagement with my manager – This is basically having a strong relationship with the immediate manager. This include feeling valued, being treated fairly.

The ways to engaged the employees is giving them more responsibilities and challengers, this will create a path to boost your organization productivity since its more efficient to involve everyone.


1.Engaged employees will boost the productivity – Research shows that engaged employees are more productive than those who are not

2.Employee engagement escalates the customer satisfaction – A happy sales force will increase customer satisfaction and treat them to have a better experience, Employees feels value in treating customers at their best will also be valued by the organization.

3.The best people will retain – The engaged employees who are invested their roles and involved with responsibilities have less possibility to leave their jobs. If the best people aren’t engaged there is always a risk of losing them. So keeping them engaged is essential to get the best outcomes.

4.Employee engagement enhances the company culture – Creating an employee engagement culture requires to check to ensure that the company mission is align with the ways which employees are currently work and they want to work. It is easier to work with engaged work force since they show the enthusiasm in work because they are happy and cheery as a result of exemplifying an engagement culture.

5.Engagement is a symptom of success – This is not simply meant the organizational success. This will create personal or team success. Since they feel the work matters most they will feel valued and when their success is recognized people are tending to feel that they have create a good impact at work.


Jostle blog of 5 reasons why employee engagement important available at

Employee engagement: conceptual clarification from existing confusion and towards an instrument of measuring it available at


  1. Employee engagement is essential to achieve organizational goals also it will lead to job satisfaction and reduce employee turnover. And agree with your comment, that engaged employees are passionate to their jobs, also they are the loyal people to the organizations. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Interesting article and nicely explain. thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck.

  3. The ways to engaged the employees is giving them more responsibilities and challengers, this will create a path to boost your organization productivity since its more efficient to involve everyone.Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks share your knowledge in this blog. good luck

  5. Employee engagement strategies have been proven to reduce staff turnover, improve productivity and efficiency, retain customers at a higher rate, and make more profits. Most importantly, engaged employees are happier, both at work and in their lives. Thanks for sharing.
